
CEO of The National Black Chamber of Commerce Admits That He Voted For Obama "Because He Was Black"

Harry Alford, president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, blasted President Obama's anti-business administration. During his interview on the Laura Ingraham show, he humbly and courageously admitted that he voted for Obama "because he was black" and it was "the worst mistake of [his] life."

He said that voting for Barack Obama blindly based on his race was a "lesson that [he] would take to [his] grave." Mr. Alford believes that Obama's policies are "starting to look Marxist" and he "loves this country too much to be quiet about this guy." Harry continued, "[Obama] is wrecking us...he is dangerous and I am going to do all that I can to get the black community [to vote against him]."

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Mr. Alford is "perhaps the nation's preeminent champion of African-American business empowerment." This steadfast and brilliant American entrepreneur warns that "the free market is not going to be free much longer if we don't do something about it in 2012."

You can listen to the full interview here:


Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek, Round Two

“Fight of the Century” Lyrics.

Written by John Papola and Russ Roberts


Here we are… peace out! great recession
thanks to me, as you see, we’re not in a depression
Recovery, destiny if you follow my lesson
Lord Keynes, here I come, line up for the procession

We brought out the shovels but we’re still in a ditch…
And still digging. don’t you think that it’s time for a switch…
From that hair of the dog. Friend, the party is over.
The long run is here. It’s time to get sober!

Are you kidding? my cure works perfectly fine…
have a look, the great recession ended back in ’09.
Surely, I deserve credit. Things would have been worse
All the estimates prove it—I’ll quote chapter and verse

Econometricians, they’re ever so pious
Are they doing real science or confirming their bias?
Their “Keynesian” models are tidy and neat
But that top down approach is a fatal conceit

Which way should we choose?
more bottom up or more top down
…the fight continues…
Keynes and Hayek’s second round

it’s time to weigh in…
more from the top or from the ground
…lets listen to the greats
Keynes and Hayek throwing down

we could have done better, had we only spent more
Too bad that only happens when there’s a World War
You can carp all you want about stats and regression
Do you deny World War II cut short the Depression?

Wow. One data point and you’re jumping for joy
the Last time I checked, wars only destroy
There was no multiplier, consumption just shrank
As we used scarce resources for every new tank

Pretty perverse to call that prosperity
Rationed meat, Rationed butter… a life of austerity
When that war spending ended your friends cried disaster
yet the economy thrived and grew ever faster

You too only see what you want to see
The spending on war clearly goosed GDP
Unemployment was over, almost down to zero
That’s why I’m the master, that’s why I’m the hero

Creating employment’s a straigtforward craft
When the nation’s at war, and there’s a draft
If every worker was staffed in the army and fleet
We’d be at full employment with nothing to eat


jobs are the means, not the ends in themselves
people work to live better, to put food on the shelves
real growth means production of what people demand
That’s entrepreneurship not your central plan

My solution is simple and easy to handle..
its spending that matters, why’s that such a scandal?
The money sloshes through the pipes and the sluices
revitalizing the economy’s juices

it’s just like an engine that’s stalled and gone dark
To bring it to life, we need a quick spark
Spending’s the life blood that gets the flow going
Where it goes doesn’t matter, just get spending flowing

You see slack in some sectors as a “general glut”
But some sectors are healthy, and some in a rut
So spending’s not free – that’s the heart of the matter
too much is wasted as cronies get fatter.

The economy’s not a car, there’s no engine to stall
no expert can fix it, there’s no “it” at all.
The economy’s us, we don’t need a mechanic
Put away the wrenches, the economy’s organic


so what would you do to help those unemployed?
this is the question you seem to avoid
when we’re in a mess, would you just have us wait?
Doing nothing until markets equil-i-brate?

I don’t want to do nothing, there’s plenty to do
The question I ponder is who plans for who?
Do I plan for myself or leave it to you?
I want plans by the many and not by the few.

We shouldn’t repeat what created our troubles
I want real growth not just a series of bubbles
Let’s stop bailing out losers and let prices work
If we don’t try to steer them they won’t go berserk

Come on, Are you kidding? Don’t Wall Street’s gyrations
Challenge your world view of self-regulation?
Even you must admit that the lesson we’ve learned
Is more oversight’s needed or else we’ll get burned

Oversight? The government’s long been in bed
With the Wall Street execs and the firms that they’ve led
Prosperity’s all about profit and loss
When you bail out the losers there’s no end to the cost

the lesson I’ve learned? It’s how little we know,
the world is complex, not some circular flow
the economy’s not a class you can master in college
to think otherwise is the pretense of knowledge


You get on your high horse and you’re off to the races
I look at the world on a case by case basis
When people are suffering I roll up my sleeves
And do what I can to cure our disease

The future’s uncertain, our outlooks are frail
Thats why free markets are so prone to fail
In a volatile world we need more discretion
So state intervention can counter depression

People aren’t chessmen you can move on a board
at your whim–their dreams and desires ignored
With political incentives, discretion’s a joke
The dials you’re twisting… are just mirrors and smoke

the market’s a process where we can discover
the most valuable ways to serve one another
we need stable rules and real market prices
so prosperity emerges and cuts short the crisis

Which way should we choose?
more bottom up or more top down
the fight continues…
Keynes and Hayek’s second round

it’s time to weigh in…
more from the top or from ground
…lets listen to the greats
Keynes and Hayek throwing down


Have a Dose of Reality This Earth Day

PBSC YAF wants you to have a dose of reality this Earth Day from ReasonTV.

The top five environmental disasters that didn't happen:


Eco-Fascist Dance Off

While Al Gore did his climate change/snake oil pitch at Power Shift 2011 in DC:

"I guess it's a sign of cultural decline if nobody bothers to look ridiculous. The real problem arises when the hippies get their way and let our industries look worse than in the third world. Nobody in a poor country can afford to behave as stupid as these eco-fascists."

Muslim Brotherhood Eclipsing Middle Class Activists in Egypt - The Telegraph

Mohammed Badie, the Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual 
leader,last week predicted the group's candidates 
would win 75 percent of the seats 
it contested Photo: AFP/GETTY
The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest Islamic movement and the founder of Hamas, has set up a network of political parties around the country that eclipse the following of the middle class activists that overthrew the regime. On the extreme fringe of the Brotherhood, Islamic groups linked to al-Qeada are organising from the mosques to fill the vacuum left by the collapse of the dictatorship.

The military-led government already faces accusations that it is bowing to the surge in support for the Muslim movements, something that David Cameron warned of in February when he said Egyptian democracy would be strongly Islamic.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, warned on Sunday that the direction of Egyptian politics was anti-Israeli. He told diplomats last week that Egyptian officials – including Nabil al-Arabi, the foreign minister – were pandering to political militants by branding Israel as the "enemy".

Read more at the Telegraph.



Hundreds to Protest Radical Islamic FAU Professor Tomorrow

(Boca Raton, FL) Rev. Mark D. Boykin, Senior Pastor of Church of All Nations and Mr. Joe Kaufman, Chairman of Americans Against Hate are calling on Florida Atlantic University to terminate the employment of Professor Bassem Alhalabi for his involvement with individuals and organizations that support terrorist acts against the United States and Israel. A protest and press conference will be held on:

THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2011, 11:45 a.m.
Florida Atlantic University (Main Entrance)
777 Glades Road in Boca Raton, Florida

Mr. Bassem Alhalabi was research assistant to Sami Al-Arian and wrote a number of publications with him. According to U.S. Department of Justice documents, Al-Arian, was sentenced to 57 months in prison for assisting a terrorist group. In his guilty plea, Al-Arian admitted that "he and a several of his co-conspirators were associated with the Palestian Islamic Jihad, knowing that the PIJ had been designated as a Specially Designated Terrorist and that it engaged in horrific and deadly acts of violence."

Mr. Bassem Alhalabi is also associated with the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR). It's first imam, Ibrahim Dremali, was a representative of the Southeastern Division of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA-SE), an organization that was asking its followers to give material support to groups associated with al-Qaeda. Mr. Dremali was arrested in October 2010 on immigration related charges. The imam who replaced Dremali at ICBR was also arrested in May 2003. ICBR's spokesman was arrested in July 2005, and one of ICBR's founding directors was also the creator of the official website of al-Jamiya al-Islamia, the Gaza parent organization of Hamas. ICBR member Rafiq Sabir was also convicted of supporting al-Qaeda.

"We have an individual teaching at FAU, who supports organizations that want to destroy both the United States and Israel," said Pastor Mark D. Boykin. "He should not be allowed in this country, let alone teach at such a fine institution, and the administration at FAU must begin the necessary proceedings to terminate his employment immediately," added Pastor Boykin.

Professor Bassem Alhalabi was found guilty of shipping military equipment to Syria by the U.S. Department of Commerce in June 2003 and was arrested on March 22, 2010 for two separate charges of assault and battery.

"We are calling on the FAU administration to terminate the employment of a very dangerous professor who has ties to terrorists," said Mr. Joe Kaufman, chairman of Americans Against Hate. "There is plenty of documented evidence that shows that Professor Bassem Alhalabi does not merit employment at FAU," continued Mr. Kaufman.

"It is unconscionable, after all that we know about Mr. Bassem Alhalabi, that the administration at FAU is still allowing him to teach; he represents a national security threat; he must be terminated immediately and be deported from the United States," stated Anthony Verdugo, Founder and Executive Director, Christian Family Coalition.
Hundreds are expected to attend the protest and press conference.


Quote of The Day

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill

Guantanamo Terrorists Leading Libyan Rebellion

One of the leaders of the rebellion in Libya, who we are of course supporting with air cover (makes sense, right?) is a Gitmo detainee who was released and is now training Al Quaeda troops to wage Jihad. Can you say OOPS!!??

Most of the most lethal people who were at Guantanamo who have already been released are already waging war against the United States back again in their home countries.

Path to Prosperity

We can lift the crushing burden of debt. It is up to our generation to choose prosperity.


Tonight: First Evening Meeting of PBC Board of County Commissioners

Thanks to the South Florida 9-12 group for bringing this event to my attention:

When: April 5th, 2011 at 6pm

Where: Government Center, 301 N. Olive, WPB Sixth Floor in the Commission Chambers

Excuses, Excuses...over the last couple of years many of us interested in county issues have used as an excuse that we can’t speak up at the PBC Board of County Commissioners meetings because they’re held during the day. Sound familiar? There’s only so many times those of us who do attend can say ‘we represent a large group of people who are too busy earning a living to come’. So now – it’s your turn!!

The commissioners are doing this as an experiment. Up until now, evening meetings have been relegated to topics such as the two budget workshops held in September. The upcoming meeting will be a regular agenda meeting – with focus on the upcoming Charter Review.

The Agenda for the evening can be found here. Public comment will begin at 7pm – this is the monthly comment time when one can discuss any subject. A key item will be 5A1 – the upcoming Charter Review. Details and schedule are included here. As we’ve mentioned in prior South Florida 912 meetings – the Charter is our county’s constitution and the review over the next several months will be soliciting public input at meetings and online – so this does matter to YOU!


Quote of The Day

"We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once." - Calvin Coolidge

Virtue: Pathway to True Freedom

Thomas Aquinas famously defined three stages/phases of virtue:

Beginner / childhood
Proficient / adolescent
Perfect / mature adult

We reach the “perfect” or mature stage of virtue when we begin to do whatever we do well, and to do it creatively. (as opposed to doing what we do superficially, or half-heartedly and in a base way, doing what we “feel” like doing rather than doing what we want to do)

The virtuous person has learned how to learn, and has rooted him - or herself in good soil for growth. Virtue has become a stable foundation for the freedom to do what really leads to happiness.

Read more at Faith and Prosperity.

There is no quicker means of raising a skeptical eye among many conservatives and libertarians alike than to endorse both liberty and virtue. Many people who consider freedom the preeminent political objective perceive support for virtue to be an implicit call for restrictive new laws. More than a few advocates of virtue treat a vigorous defense of liberty like the promotion of vice. This mutual hostility is evidenced by the growing strains between many economic libertarians and social conservatives, who once submerged their differences in the pursuit of common goals. Yet neither liberty nor virtue is likely to survive alone.

Both freedom and virtue are under serious assault today. Government takes and spends nearly half of the nation's income. Regulation further extends the power of the state in virtually every area of people's lives.

Increasing numbers of important, personal decisions are ultimately made by some public functionary somewhere. Virtue, too, seems to be losing ground daily. The legal and political systems are increasingly based on theft and irresponsibility. Families and communities increasingly break down, if they form at all. Popular culture celebrates many of humanity's worst attributes.

At this critical time, some supporters of either liberty or virtue are setting one against the other, treating them as frequent antagonists, if not permanent opponents. At the very least, the competing advocates suggest, you cannot maximize both values, but instead have to choose which to expand and which to constrict.

However, it would be a mistake to assume that one must be sacrificed for the other. Rather, freedom and morality are complementary. That is, liberty -- the right to exercise choice, free from coercive state regulation -- is a necessary precondition for virtue. And virtue is ultimately necessary for the survival of liberty. Anyone interested in building a good society should desire to live in a community that cherishes both values. As Robert Sirico of the Acton Institute points out, "Common sense tells any sane person that a society that is both free and virtuous is the place he or she would most want to live."

Our emphasis.

Read the full article here and tell us your thoughts.


Quote of The Day

“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” - Barry Goldwater

Go Green! Kill People?

How does "going green" affect third world countries? The environmentalism movement today is pro-mother earth but human life is often seen as nothing more than a by-product or a nuisance.


Quote of The Day

"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

Washington Fools

To celebrate April Fool's day, we thought we'd share this new For America project with you:

Here our some of our favorite foolish quotes out of Washington:

“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it…” – Nancy Pelosi, March 9, 2010

“I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill’ … What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?” – John Conyers, July 27, 2009

“No, no. I have been practicing…I bowled a 129. It’s like – it was like Special Olympics, or something.” – Barack Obama, March 19, 2009

“I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?” – Barack Obama, May 9, 2008

“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal will be about socializing…uh, um…Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.” – Maxine Waters, May 22, 2008

This is What Happens When You Pass Stupid Laws